Classified Online Advertising
Click here to submit classified ads or email to [email protected] subject Classifieds.
Classified ads are payable in advance. Ads must be 30 words or less; 30 cents per additional word. Ads will run for 3 weeks.
Type of Advertiser: Cost
PBCMS Members $10 minimum
Hospitals, Circle of Friends and Nonprofit Organizations $30 minimum
Others $80 minimum
Conditions: Publisher reserves the right to exclude any advertisement that, in its opinion, does not conform to the standards of the publication. The acceptance or rejection of any advertisement does not imply the endorsement or lack of endorsements by any company or its comments by PBCMS. The publisher reserves the right to cancel contract with no notice.
Job Posting Online Advertising
Click here to submit job posting ads or email to [email protected] subject Job Posting.
Job Posting ads are payable in advance. Ads must be 30 words or less; 30 cents per additional word. Ads will run for 3 weeks.
Type of Advertiser:
PBCMS Members Free
PBCMS Medical Students & Residents Free
Hospitals, Circle of Friends and Nonprofit Organizations $30 minimum
Others $80 minimum
Conditions: Publisher reserves the right to exclude any advertisement that, in its opinion, does not conform to the standards of the publication. The acceptance or rejection of any advertisement does not imply the endorsement or lack of endorsements by any company or its comments by PBCMS. The publisher reserves the right to cancel contract with no notice.