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Below are the PBCMS and PBCMS Services programs that need your help.
Palm Beach County Medical Society Services Programs
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Project Access The Project Access mission is to provide lower-income and uninsured residents quality physician care, hospital care, and diagnostic services. This program also provides free preventive, personalized care and focuses on wellness through prevention and early detection of diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases. This is done through a coordinated system of dedicated volunteers who give of their time for this important effort.
Physician Leadership Academy The Physician Leadership Academy of South Florida (PLA) provides training and workshops on developing leadership skills, information about health care issues facing Floridians, and tools which will enable them to make significant differences in current and future leadership roles held. The Academy has been endorsed by the Florida Medical Association, which also provides the CMEs. Physicians in the program complete leadership self-assessments and attend sessions on advocacy, media and communications, cultural competency, conflict resolution, building medical teams, and becoming a transformative leader. These are the future leaders in medicine.

CHW Care Coordination Training Program This training program offers the full complement of education hours and content areas needed for the certification application as a community health worker. The CHW Care Coordinator Training Program includes an overview of chronic disease symptoms and management, scope of job responsibilities, motivational interviewing and engagement skills, cultural sensitivity and diversity training, and team strategies to improve patient/clinic outcomes.
Physician Wellness Program The practice of medicine is a highly stressful profession. Physicians carry a high degree of emotional tension, and experience physician burnout, partially because they tend to s
eek help less often and at a much later stage than other professionals. This is of great concern to the medical community. Physician burnout manifests itself with early retirement, disengagement, depression, substance abuse, and suicide. The Physician Wellness Program is a self-referred program designed to help physicians be proactive in addressing and preventing this burnout scenario, improving their quality of life and quality of care for their patients.

Medical Reserve Corps Both medical and non-medical volunteers are sought to support local public health, while ad
vancing the priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General. These include improving health literacy, promoting disease prevention, eliminating health disparities, and enhancing public health preparedness. Volunteers assist in local hospitals and health departments, participate in mass prophylaxis and vaccination exercises and community disaster drills, and train with local emergency response partners.
The Healthcare Emergency Response Coalition (HERC) HERC develops and promotes healthcare emergency preparedness, response, and recovery capability of Palm Beach County. It provides a forum for the healthcare community to interact and coordinates with other response agencies at the county, regional, and state levels, while fostering communications on emergency planning, response, and recovery to improve the delivery of healthcare emergency response services and ensure overall readiness through coordination of community-wide training and exercises.
The Opioid Taskforce The Opioid Taskforce developed the Opioid Healthcare Response Plan, with the overarching goal to reduce opioid deaths in PBC by using a comprehensive approach that recognizes addiction as a medical illness, accomplished by an evidence-based strategy that addresses prevention, treatment, rescue, and recovery. The Plan is comprised of 36 deliverables with metrics to measure outcomes.
James J. Byrnes, MD Memorial Fund for Medical Education In 2013, James J. Byrnes, MD, a Palm Beach County Medical Society Past President, passed away from Cancer. He was a gifted physician, leader, and a champion of medical education. In memory of his extraordinary contributions and achievements, his family, friends, colleagues, and patients created a medic
al education fund. This fund supports programs and activities for Palm Beach County medical students and residents, including the Future of Medicine Poster Symposium named in his honor.

Palm Beach County Medical Society
PBCMS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to uniting physicians to serve the common interest of the profession, developing and maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards of the medical profession, advocating the interests of physicians and their patients, and collaborating with others to improve the community’s health.
